'Sacrifice' - Narrative & Characterisation

This film idea that I came up with was actually a thought that I had and had it written down ages ago and turned into a story. To make it even possible was the reading that I had done to come up with this thought. As I liked it, I began to think more and write done various other views and ideas which eventually I made into this specific story.

The main character Sam is a teenage boy whose parents had died in a car crash, this lead to him being adopted at a young age to a widower who made him join the pact thinking that it will help him through life only to find that a mission is left for him to do concerning a very important deed when he turns 18, which leaves it haunting him for the rest of his life. He has known Mellissa all his life, from the age of 6, at primary school. Even though they both didn't recognize each other at school they found a likeliness towards each other. So when he is shown what to do by his half brother, Matt, he is distraught. He can’t defeat the Order so he has to go along with it. She doesn't realise this and thinks he might be angry because of family problems, even though her friends tell her to ditch him because he's not interested in her.
Sam is the boy who will go to any lengths to impress the Order he is so dutifully obliged to. But when his next mission is to murder a young girl with the purest heart he has ever encountered, he is torn between loyalty and instinct, and his internal conflict is dangerous for both himself and his prey, Melissa. With dedication to his heart and manipulation of the supernatural, Sam revives the girl he killed. However when the order discover his betrayal they set out to eliminate the two. Only fate will decide if they survive or not. In this heart-wrenching and compelling story, we watch the struggle Sam and Melissa will face to survive the dark and secretive vengeance 
of the Order.

Name: Sam

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Birthdate: 12 December 1993
Ethnicity:White American
Class: Middle class
Tribe: Craft kid/Trendy/indie
School/college: Dalyton high school
Studying: Mechanic/Engineering

Sam is a boy who would get into fights just to protect someone. His love for Mellissa is strong and real but as we know he cannot defeat the Order. His relationship with his foster parent is not close and sides more with the pact as the fact that his parents had died, this triggered an onset of isolation from the age of 14. His mother had come from America, where his dad had met her, both fell in love and had Sam, this was kept secret after his dad found that Sam's mother already had a young son named Matt. However, his dad forgave her and the lived until the accident. His dad came from England, in the South of London, both parents came back there when Sam was 5.
His time at school was continuous as he been moving school to school, because of behavioural problems. This lead to him finding Mellissa at the end of his school year at primary and this is how they both know each other in school.
He gets into fights but doesn't really care about the sly remarks he gets. He has two best friends including Mellissa who are Jack and Matt, they both are members of the pact who help stablise Sam going out of control.

Name: Mellissa
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White German
Birthdate: 24th May 1995
Class: Middle class
Tribe: Craft kid/Trendy/indie
School/college: Dalyton high school
Studying: Law/Social Work

Mellissa is a good natured girl who finds refuge in Sam after falling in love with him.Her family background is seemly normal as she has a mother and father and is an only child. Her family had been brought up in Germany but came to England, London and settled down in a family home once both parents knew Mellissa was on the way. She speaks English and German but is learning a foreign language of French, and finds herself being put into a However, at the time of the film when she gets to know Sam properly she faces a distressing time getting over the fact that her mum has cancer although this is not mention untill the ending of the film. Mellissa has a group of friends who she mostly talks to and finds herself not as attached as shes found to be among the group, she mostly spends time with Sam.

(original & changed)
Name: Matt
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White American
Birthdate: 7th September 1992
Class: Middle class
Tribe: Trendy/casual/indie
College: Risklands college
Studying: Accountant

Matt is Sam's half brother who knows and is involved in the pact where Sam goes. He introduced himself to Sam after realising that he was Sam's half brother, just after the death of Sam's parents. Both knew how it felt to be abandoned, but Matt lives with his mother, so relies on her. He has one sister named Amy, who is around 15 years old, she knows Sam also. Matt is also a boy who gets into lots of fights to protect his half brother and his sister.

Protaganist: Sams character is the one who seems to be the protaganist, including Mellissa, however, as he is pressured to kill her, he ends up with the role as a killer which somehow may change his status.

Antagonist: The group in which Sam is assigned to happens to be the villian because they are in charge of who dies and who lives. In this case, Mellissa is fallen victinm to their plans and it involves Sam to take the task in hand.

The type of music
-Artic monkeys
-Landon Pigg
-Lianna la havas
-The strokes

This soundtrack will play at the end of scene 2 where he has his haunted dream. This will come start after when the title appears. However I am doubting if this will be at the end of at the beginning of the film. This just helps create a charged atmosphere of the story and help determine the kind of genre that it is set in. Seeing as this type of music serious and mysterious, this is the right kind of music for my film.

The Messenger: Sadaf.Nawabzada

The messenger in the film changed roles with Matt as we could not find anyone who would do his character and in a short space of time, so we showed the messenger giving Sam the note. The messenger works for the sect- The Order. She obeys what they tell her to do, but deep down she knows that assigning Sam to do the work would break his heart and ruin his life. Although she doesn't want to do it, she has to stick with the pact, because she has no where else to go.

Selina- Acting, Costume/make up
Sadaf- Director, editor
Jessica- Producer, casting
Louisa- Director, storyboard, scriptwriter
Josh: character we needed to act Sam

By Louisa Collins-Marsh