
-Costume and make up

Costume is most important part of the film as it helps the audience to recognize the characters personality and traits ,keeping this in mind we wanted the costume for Melissa to be simple and casual since she is portrayed as a very normal, decent young girl, who's purely naive and innocent. We therefore decided that we apply very minimal make up; just blusher, mascara and light lip gloss. On the other hand Sam's costume is a cover up of his personality; this makes the audience wonder who he is and why he is like. This bring the elements of mystery to his character. We want no make up or foundation on Josh! His character is very dark and unexplained and puzzling.

Still images of film/Storyboard
The purpose of the following images is to help us plan out our storyboard to avoid future confusion with the planning, and to give us a vague idea of the type of scenery we wanted.
Test shoots
We kept the footage of us testing out different camera angles so when it came to the actual filming we'd be confident in the shots we chose.

Call sheet:
These are the shooting schedule of each day we did the film shooting


At first we discussed responsibilities amongst ourselves and felt that if we each divided the chief jobs, the processes of creating our film would go along a lot more smoothly. We were confident in Jessica's ability to be the music director because she is the more educated in that area out of our group. Her role includes responsibility of directing and producing the music and sound for our film.
 We wanted a piece set at an adagio pace and a high pitch that would eventually crescendo towards the end of our film opening to create both suspense and tension. Initially we decided to compose our own piece of music but we soon realized it was time consuming and the editing stage took a lot longer than we had expected it to. After some research we decided that it would be a time-saver to use a piece of music that already exists, and so we used an acoustic guitar/piano piece, and also some symphonic pieces. We wanted to use a minimalist piece that created an aura of uncertainty to make the audience feel on edge and also to make them anticipate something negative happening.

Original Storyboard &

Risks- Outdoors and Indoors

Our film was mostly based outside, which increased the risk of injury, damage and personal incidents. We were aware that we needed to assess the area we were going to film in so that it would not cause any disturbances to our film and to the public.

Areas  This was a big issue for us to consider. At first we did decided to film indoors, which the character Sam would be sitting in a chair, smoking on a ciggearette. This action would include the controlled lighting and sound which would set the scene. However, we did come across the problem of accessing a room, which we could use for a film, especially when we needed smoke inside. Also, we needed to be aware of equipment and its dangers, for example, if someone tripped on cable they could seriously injure themselves. The important reason with indoors is that you can create your own atmosphere with the sound, the lighting, the characters so that the audience should get the same reaction as them.
But overall, we chose the outdoors which seemed like the simplest way to get our message across especially when the character, Mellissa, was running outside, in the woods. There seemed to be more of a narrative, however there were risks that could have been made. Before Melissa started running, we observed the area to make sure there was no casaultie's involved during filming, this helped us to become more aware of the hazards that would have occured if the area was slippery.
The sound of the outdoors was a big issue, as it did effectively create a different atmosphere that needed to be felt. In this case, the wind was a constant murmur in the background and it did seem to interrupt the  sound which was needed.