Preliminary Exercise

This exercise was a challenge but because we all contributed throughout the making of it we found it to be both manageable and enjoyable.

There were many precautions we found we had to be aware of. Firstly we had to be careful that we had enough space to place the ipod whilst breaks from filming to prevent damage to others and the ipod itself. We also had learn how to connect the camera and ipod securely without damaging either.

We now understand the following methods of:

- 180 degrees rule
- Understanding of camera shots
- Screen test footage
- Scenes we have changed
- Target audience
- Analyse different shots


Preliminary Exercise Reflection:

The exercise that we did was a challenge but because we all contributed to the work which was needed to make it successful it turned out to be a good piece of work. There were a number of things we had to think of before we started filming, especially the safety precautions and the plan.

I was responsible for filming the footage and directing the characters throughout the piece. I mainly was on the camera taking various shots in order to make it flow more smoothly and used different shots to symbolise many things. I included extreme close up, long shot, medium close up, close up, eagle eye, P.O.V. These different shots had made the piece more interesting and helped symbolise the many reasons which had arisen while we had thought of the plan. Throughout I have learnt many specific things which involved the filming and editing. I got to understand the function of the camera a bit more as I was mostly behind the camera. For me it was easier as the system was straight forward to film but I had the responsibility to maintain the light frequency of the natural and artificial light and which I know will help me for the main project. The use of space and surroundings also was beneficial which helped prevent any safety precautions.  
When editing, we had the advantage of deleting and combining different shots together so that the piece would flow smoothly.

There were many precautions which we found we had to be aware of. Firstly we knew we had to be  careful with the pod including how we handled it and how we positioned it throughout our time in the project.

In conclusion the film development have succeeded as we all have contributed to the work which was needed to make the piece interesting.



During the planning process we all as a group discussed the shots we wanted to use in this preliminary exercise which Jessica made a note of. We then began filming, and we selected Selena to play the role of the main character, but after many failing trails I switched with her. After that the shooting process went smoothly and we managed to finish on time. We each took part in the editing process as we all felt this would improve the quality or outcome of our clip. Sound editing was most difficult as nothing seemed to enhance the atmosphere or scenario we were trying to present. This made us realise the impact of the music or sound used in films. The choice of sound or music could change the entire narrative very easily because it sets the mood and atmosphere defining the genre or theme to the audience.

I personally learned a lot through this preliminary exercise, I learned how to act maturely and take a character deeply regardless of what place it has in the story. I learned to be spontaneous and creative during the making process as it came to be more difficult than we visualised in the planning process however with great team work we pulled it off well. I became more open and involved in my team with each scene and I actually understood the concept of filming much better this way. on the improvement side, we still thought our clip could have been better because there were certain scenes or shots which wasnt done properly, we didnt realise this until later in the editing process and we didn't give it that much of a importance as it was trail experiment getting, us into the mood for the real project.

Over all It was a much needed learning experience to make us realise the importance and seriousness of media studies. I became more aware of the challenges I might face later on our project.

Sadaf Nawabzada


Over all I think I have been lucky to be in a great group whom all are hard working and dedicating which is why everything worked. Yes we still think our clip could have been better because there was certain scenes or shot which we could have done properly that we actually didn't realise until later in the editing process.

In this exercise, i had multiple roles. I contributed to the initial storyline/narrative. I came up with the first 5 shots used in the introduction of our production. I filmed about a quarter of the footage, and helped decide with my group exactly what shots worked and which to include in the production. Alongside Louisa, i directed my other group members who were contributing to the acting side of things. We all as a group thoroughly scrutinised the purpose of our shots and edited them together.
Through this exercise i learned exactly how important the use of sound, non diagetic and diagetic, is. I also learned that even the smallest of movement can disrupt an entire shot and ruin the continuation into the next scene. I now know that i have to be a perfectionist in all areas regards to filming behind the camera in order to create something worth watching.
As a whole, i think our production went well. It was much more complicated than i originally anticipated, but our film was smooth, interesting and worked to fulfil the original standards. I enjoyed this project because my ideas were listened to and my group equally returned ideas and opinions. We melded well and genuinely enjoyed spending time together trying to perfect our piece.



In this production we all planned and we all discussed the shots used and i was the main actor with Sadaf  in this production, however we all discussed the narrative. At first i was struggling when acting because i was the main person but then i swapped roles with sadaf because i couldn't get in role so sadaf took my part and then things went well.
Jessica came up with the shots and we all agreed with it, Louisa & Jessica filmed they took turns.
Louisa and Sadaf came up with the sounds for the film, but as a group we all took part in contributing with one another.

- In this particular exercise, i learned the correct , the way it is used in film role.
- I also learnt when and where non diagetic and diagetic sounds could be used and what effects it would give.
- I also learnt that filming and editing is not easy this is because each shot has to be accurate, it can take time but then as a group we did really well.

Our finish product went well it was kind of difficult but then as a group we did our best and i think that our production seemed really enjoyable and i enjoyed every bit of it and also my group were all contributing so this made our film successful. in addition when acting i felt kind of nervous but then i felt comfortable at the end so i loved it.
